These 3 Mistakes Could be Costing You Thousands!

When it comes to designing your dream home, even the smallest mistake could lead to a large expense. I often come across people who have attempted home design on their own and run into a nasty surprise further down the track.

Luckily for you, I have put together the top 3 mistakes to help you avoid these pitfalls and most importantly - save you money!

Mistake number one: Impulse buying without a plan

Going ahead with purchases and design elements without a clear and pre-organised plan (or vision) usually results in a design that looks cluttered and messy.

If the furnishings, finishes and colours are not cohesive, your space will look and feel like it has been awkwardly thrown together. Fortunately, the solution is extremely simple!

Write down a plan and stick to it. By choosing one to two key furniture pieces, you can assemble an entire room with a harmonious and cohesive design, saving you money down the track.

Mistake number two: Ignoring scale and proportion

Consider the way that the entire room interacts with the furnishings and decor. The height of the ceiling fan, the position of lights and windows and the size of your furnishings all play an integral role in the overall look and feel of your space.

Furniture that is too big will make a space feel cramped, whilst going too small can make a space look unfinished!

By giving thoughtful consideration to the entire space, you can create a design that flows. Save your money for pieces that complement each other

Mistake Number Three: Misplaced priorities

Design trends come and go and if you find yourself constantly chasing trends, you will be stuck in a permanent and frequent cycle of unnecessary and costly renovations and updates.

To avoid this cycle, invest in key colours, finishings and decor that are timeless, allowing you to add or change minor (and less expensive) elements as opposed to changing an entire room. By Taking this simple, pre-planned step, you can save yourself thousands of dollars and a major inconvenience.

Now that you’re aware of the costly mistakes of home design, go ahead and make yourself a plan! Jot down the things that are important to you and your family, create a colour palette that you enjoy and then begin the steps towards well-prepared home design.

By using our free guide 7 Ways to Design Your Dream Home, you will be better prepared and most importantly, saving yourself thousands of dollars in the long run!

Mudhurrah Baskaran