Exploring the Beauty of Modern Coastal Design

Modern coastal design is a palette which delicately blends the natural surroundings with contemporary aesthetics. Most often, modern coastal design encompasses soft colours and brassy metals as opposed to the traditional beach house look.

Taking on board nature’s colours and textures, modern coastal design is a soft and calming collective which speaks to luxury and relaxation, which may also feature bolder feature colours as well as sustainable efforts to embrace nature all year long.

Please enjoy our top five key elements of modern coastal design:

Light and Airy

Modern coastal homes incorporate natural light and appreciate the natural surroundings. Utilising large windows and glass doors, you may invite the outside into your modern coastal home with a simple yet effective design strategy.

Encompassing Nature

Incorporating natural materials into your home design and decor is a simple and effective way to harness the beauty of modern coastal design.

Including wood, stone and glass into your design, creates a warm and inviting space as well as the practicality of withstanding natural elements in coastal areas such as salt and sun.

Embrace Nature's Colour Palette

Consisting of tones such as white, beige, grey, green and blue; naturally beautiful and harmonious colours intertwine to create an accent of coastal beauty.

Imagine yourself walking along the beach and collecting shells or sea glass and then transferring this image to your home. Modern coastal design incorporates all of the best things about the coastal lifestyle in simple and cohesive colour palettes.

Enjoy the Best of Both Worlds

Modern coastal design celebrates the balance between indoors and out. Creating spaces to enjoy the beautiful sunshine and spending time with nature fosters this modern coastal lifestyle and becomes more than a simple design choice.

Sustainable and Resilient, Built to Last

Modern coastal homes are designed to withstand Mother Nature’s elements. With sustainability and resilience as a major focus, your home will be crafted to not only stand up to salt and sea air, but to also harness the sun and water in a sustainable effort to embrace nature from within.

When designing your new coastal home, consider the positive effects  and long-term benefits of a modern coastal design for your space and live harmoniously with nature in your purpose-designed, modern home.

Mudhurrah Baskaran